Cut your tuition
如果你 are a New York State resident, you can reduce your tuition by submitting a Certificate of Residence to Jamestown 社区 College.
For tuition purposes, New York residency means that you have lived in this state as a permanent resident for 12 months prior to the start of the semester. 如果你 没有 lived in New York State for 12 consecutive months, contact the 业务 Office as soon as possible. New York State Education Law 6305 requires the college to have a current certificate of residence on record for your student account every academic year.
肖陶扩村 & Cattaraugus counties
如果你 are a resident of New York and have resided in 肖陶扩村 or Cattaraugus County for one year, no certificate of residence is required. View your bill to verify that it reflects the correct tuition rate.
如果你 没有 lived in 肖陶扩村 or Cattaraugus County for one year:
- Complete the online Certificate of Residence form (CHAU & 土生. Ensure all fields marked with * are completed - they are required and the form cannot be submitted if these are not all filled in.
- Sign the form and submit it electronically.
- You will receive an email that requires your verification to complete the process. This must be verified or the COR will not be received. Once the verification process is complete, the electronic form will have been submitted.
- Once it has been reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation.
- When completing this form, if you selected another county, you will need to follow the county's instructions to obtain a certified affidavit of residence from that county treasurer’s office for the period you lived there.
Other NY counties
如果你 live in a New York State county other than those listed above:
- Follow your county treasurer’s instructions for obtaining a Certificate of Residence.
- Submit the certified affidavit from your treasurer to
Not all counties provide online residency information. 如果你r county does not provide this information on their website, call your treasurer’s office directly.
- 奥尔巴尼县
- 阿勒格尼县
- 布鲁姆县
- 卡尤加族县
- Chemung县
- 靠近Chenango县
- 克林顿县
- 哥伦比亚县
- Cortland县
- 特拉华州县
- 达奇斯县
- 伊利县
- 埃塞克斯郡
- 富兰克林县
- 富尔顿县
- 乔纳斯郡
- 格林县
- 汉密尔顿县
- 何其莫县
- Jefferson County
- 刘易斯县
- Livingston County
- 麦迪逊
- 门罗县
- Montgomery County
- 拿骚
- 尼亚加拉河县
- NYC Central Office
- 奥奈达市县
- 奥内达加县
- 安大略省县
- 奥兰治县
- 奥尔良县
- 奥斯维戈县
- Otsego县
- 普特南郡
- Rensselaer County
- 罗克兰县
- 萨拉托加县
- Schenectady County
- Schoharie County
- 斯凯勒县
- 塞内加县
- St. 劳伦斯县
- Steuben县
- 萨福克县
- 沙利文县
- 泰奥加高中的入学率县
- 汤普金斯县
- 阿尔斯特县
- 沃伦县
- Washington County
- 韦恩县
- Westchester County
- 怀俄明县
- 叶茨县
Appeal information
If a SUNY community college student is denied a certificate of residence from their home county, such student may appeal to SUNY System Administration for reversal. Such appeal communication should contain the student’s contact information and details about the denial from the county. Please note that denials can only be reversed if either the county or the college made an error or did not follow relevant legal requirements. Students can submit appeals by email to or by physical mail to Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for 社区 Colleges and the Education Pipeline, 纽约州立大学H. Carl McCall Building, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246.